Coffee Services
New from King’s, coffee service! We take all the hassle out of your break room’s number one item, coffee! For one low monthly fee, we supply you with the hardware and twice a month service. Never run out of coffee, sugar or cups again!
Here’s how it works. Simply choose the coffee machine that’s right for you. We install it and come inventory your supplies every other week. We check your equipment and supplies and automatically fill the items you are low on. It’s that easy. Ready or have questions? Call Chris at (386) 698-1121 or 888-843-6501 or email [email protected]. Hardware Monthly Fee with cooler/filter K Cup machine #145 $10 n/a K Cup machine #155 $20 $35 Airpot Coffee Brewer $25 $39 Things to know: All rentals are for a two year minimum. Service is twice a month or more if needed. We automatically fill the items you are low on. You agree to allow King’s exclusive coffee and related sales. Items include but are not limited to: Stir Sticks Sugar Creamer Napkins Coffee, Filter Packs/K Cups Cups 8 oz |